Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Let it be.

I was at work the other day, writing in my journal, when the song by the Beatles "Let it Be" came on. I like the song a lot. I like the Beatles. But as I was mentally singing along, I got this strongest feeling that we cannot just let it be. We cannot sit around and let the world stay in the state it is in. Now, I don't intend to take simple pleasures like chill Beatles songs to deep intellectual levels, but it spurred great thoughts, leading to one of those journal entries you hope your children will eventually come across.

There are souls without friends. There are people without the truth. There are lonely patients in hospitals. There's the elderly lady down the street who never gets out. There's the awkward boy who feels forgotten. There's the self-conscious girl who wonders if she'll ever go on a date. There's the overwhelmed mom who is perpetually exhausted. Let it be that we help them.

We can be reactive saying, "There is nothing I can do! That's just the way things are!" But what if we were PROACTIVE? What if we said, "Let's look at some alternatives. What is one step I can take?" Proactive people focus their efforts on things they can do something about.

Theodore Roosevelt advised, "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."

Let it be that way. Let it be that we do what we can, even when it is just a little. That must have been what the Beatles were saying. Let it be.

We can make a difference.
